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Eric Whittaker Story

eric whittaker story

PCCA is pleased to welcome Eric Whittaker as 7th grade Life Science and 8th grade Ancient History teacher. Mr. Whittaker previously served as an educator and administrator at Fayetteville Christian School for six years and an educator in the Bentonville Public Schools for eight years. He completed his undergraduate studies at John Brown University and his graduate work in Educational Leadership at Arkansas State University. He is thrilled to be joining the PCCA team of teachers!

As a licensed minister, Mr. Whittaker is passionate about sharing God’s Word and love with others. You can find him sharing Christ with his children, preaching within his local church, and sharing God’s perspective and compassion within his classroom. Mr. Whittaker loves to build rapport with his students and empower them to become leaders for Christ, and seeks to use science and history to point students toward a greater appreciation for the Lord.

Mr. Whittaker and his wife, Saralin, have been married for 16 years and are blessed with two wonderful children: Jackson (7th grade) and Eden (5th grade). The Whittaker family is excited about Providence’s collegiate model, which will let their family enjoy additional time together. They have been so impressed with the warm welcome they have received from the Providence community.

Mr. Whittaker is an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys experiencing the world through biking, hiking, camping and spending time in God’s creation with family and friends. He’s currently going back to school, working toward a doctorate in education through Liberty University.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, which tells us about the faithfulness of our loving Savior, is one of Mr. Whittaker’s favorite scriptures: “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely. And may your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will do it.”