
Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible, under the headship of Christ, for all the activities of the school and will prayerfully seek the Lord’s help in carrying out its responsibilities. The Board shall act as the legislative body in formulating policy for the conduct of the school. The Board is directly responsible for approving the Mission Statement of the school and the policies under which the school operates; approving the Strategic Plan and overseeing its preparation and implementation; hiring the Headmaster; approving the annual operating budget (including the school calendar and tuition levels); approving major capital expenditures; and approving fundraising programs. The Board is responsible, through its oversight, for assuring that the curriculum and all of the activities of the school conform to the Mission Statement and the applicable policies of the school. The Board has delegated to the President the authority for the day-to-day operation of the school.

Chair: Teresa Webb
Vice Chair: Blain Erskine
Secretary: Marissa Henley
Treasurer: Jake Keen
Members: Missie Erskine, Gary Box, Rod Easley
Advisors: Ben Shaddox, Lee Wood, Gay Gasaway, Sarah McCullough, Adrienne Woods


  • Jason Ross


  • Michelle Moore

    Head of Upper School

  • Chelsea Abbott

    Head of Grammar School

  • Eric Whittaker

    Assistant Head of Upper School, Logic Focus

  • Julie Kelly

    Athletic Director